Michigan State University, under the supervision of Dr. Brian Nielsen, Ph.D., conducted an independent, third party study with horses that were in intense training. The horses were supplemented with Winners Bee Pollen product, Dynamic Trio 50/50. The testing showed that the horses eating Dynamic Trio 50/50 consumed 49% more hay than similar equine athletes fed a normal diet.
"These results were quite amazing and certainly have implications for performance horses...One of the greatest challenges owners and trainers face is having horses in heavy training eat enough to prevent weight losses." — Dr. Brian Nielsen, Ph.D.
Dr. Nielsen also stated, ".....I was a skeptic, I tried to find some excuses to not do the research, but as time went by, I realized the company (Winners Bee Pollen), was doing what we in the research community always say they should. They invested in research to test whether or not their product worked."
Turner, K.K., B.D. Nielsen, C.I. O'Connor, and J.L. Burton. 2006. Bee pollen supplementation to horses in training: a pilot study. J. Anim. Phys. Anim. Nutr. 90 (9-10): 414-420